3 months ago 24

CNN’s chief medical expert calls for cognitive testing on Biden: ‘Concerned with his confused rambling'

CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta called for President Biden to undergo neurological testing so that the American people can find out if he has dementia ahead of the 2024 election.

In an article published to CNN.com on Friday, Gupta said that he and his medical colleagues became concerned about Biden’s cognitive ability during last Thursday’s presidential debate and advised that he be tested to see if his sluggish performance was just due to a "bad night" or a more serious underlying concerns.

"The consensus from the doctors reaching out to me, however, was that the president should be encouraged to undergo detailed cognitive and movement disorder testing," Gupta wrote, noting that he agreed.


The physician and media pundit spelled out what concerned him and his colleagues about Biden during that debate.

"From a neurological standpoint, we were concerned with his confused rambling; sudden loss of concentration in the middle of a sentence; halting speech and absence of facial animation, resulting at times in a flat, open-mouthed expression," Gupta wrote.

To many in the mainstream media and the Democratic Party, Biden’s debate behavior was so concerning that they pivoted from supporting his re-election to demanding he drop out of the race.

Gupta didn’t endorse any political move against Biden because of the display, he just insisted that Biden get tested so that Americans know where his cognitive health truly stands.  

Before giving his advice, he mentioned Biden’s prior medical history, noting that his last official health report was a February "health summary which concluded that the president was ‘fit for duty.’"

Although the report indicated that he passed a neurological test, Gupta noted there "was no mention of any sort of cognitive testing."

The correspondent recalled that after the debate, the White House mentioned that Biden had a "brief check" concerning the cold he was said to have had at the time, but didn’t get an extensive physical. 

In Gupta’s estimation, Biden’s age, the fact that he’s had "two separate brain operations for aneurysms in the past," his debate performance and the lack of a recent cognitive test, means he needs to get evaluated soon. 


He quoted former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., stating, "’It’s a legitimate question’ whether Biden’s debate performance was an ‘episode’ or a ‘condition,’" and followed up with his own advice.

"That is precisely why detailed testing is important. It can help determine whether there is a simpler explanation for the symptoms displayed or if there is something more concerning," he said. "As a doctor, I would want to understand the possibility of underlying dementia because, over the past several years, we have learned that there are medical treatments and lifestyle changes that can delay and, in some cases, even reverse the symptoms of the disease."

The CNN medical expert added that Americans "don’t have answers" about Biden’s actual health condition. 

He concluded piece by stating that Biden’s recent performance on the campaign trail has not quieted any fears about his health or fitness for office.

"We often hear that observing a candidate on the campaign trail is the best assessment of the individual’s physical and cognitive health," Gupta wrote. "Back in 2020, Biden said he was ‘constantly tested’ by the work of running for president. ‘All you’ve got to do is watch me,’ he said then."

"The country is watching now, and that assessment gives cause for concern — and a need for transparent testing," Gupta wrote.

When asked about Gupta's statements, the Biden campaign pointed Fox News Digital to White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's recent denial that Biden has dementia or an illness that would affect his cognitive function.

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