7 months ago 58

State of the Union: Biden faces high-stakes address to calm Democrat nerves | BBC News

President Joe Biden will deliver a high-stakes address to the American public on Thursday evening. The 81-year-old seeks to tackle concerns about his age, put a positive gloss on his first-term record and lay out the case for his re-election in November. The State of the Union address will give him a rare opportunity to speak to a national audience of millions, and draw a contrast with his Republican competitor, former President Donald Trump. Traditionally these annual speeches to Congress are standard affairs, full of pageantry and laundry lists of legislative priorities. But this year, questions about Mr Biden's fitness for office and polls that suggest an extremely tight race for the presidency, mean the address is a critical moment for the president. Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1rbfUog For more news, analysis and features visit: www.bbc.com/news #StateoftheUnion #US #BBCNews
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